Join Us For Easter!

Into The Wild

We invite you to a journey like no other. Come with us as we go, ‘Into the Wild.’ We’re not talking about hiking trails or survival skills; we’re diving deep into our faith journeys as we navigate the many terrains of life.

We’ll chat, share, and learn together as we navigate the ‘wild’ moments in our lives, and discover how they can lead to divine encounters.

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Week 1 Discussion Questions

First Stop:

  • When you are in challenging circumstances, what is your natural response?
  • Who do you need to invite with you on the journey?
  • It’s tempting to want to face difficulties alone, why do you think we are tempted to respond this way?

Mile Markers:

  • Can you think of a specific trial or challenge you faced “in the wild?” How did it impact your faith and resilience?
  • Do you believe the trials we face have a purpose or can lead to personal growth? Why or why not?
  • What are some practical ways we can support each other when we are facing trials?
  • Pastor Jer talked about having the right tools to navigate the wild. What is a spiritual tool you want to strengthen or put into practice? (i.e. prayer, trust, patience, God’s Word.)


  • How can we encourage and mentor those newer in faith who may be going through similar trials as our own?
  • How has your perspective on trials and tribulations changed as your faith has evolved
  • Can you share an experience where a trial strengthened your faith in God or deepened your spiritual understanding?

Close in Prayer



Week 2 Discussion Questions

First Stop:

  • In what ways have you seen the enemy at work in your life?
  • Are there any “fires” in your life that you thought were too big for you to handle
  • What can we do to create a life that is anchored in the things of God?
  • Read Jeremiah 17:7-8 together, what does a life of hope and confidence in the Lord look like?

Mile Markers:

  • What areas of life do you need to rely on God’s strength and not your own?
  • Do you ever find yourself overcomplicating your faith? What can we do to get back to the building blocks of our faith
  • The Holy Spirit in meant to be a helper in your life, let’s discuss how to activate the Holy Spirit in our everyday lives.
  • Pastor Jeremy talked about the difference between fire and forest in a hearth of a home. Discuss together where you’ve seen God take a trial or a hardship, and turn it into and opportunity to trust Him, know Him better, or experience His peace.

Mile Markers:

  • What is a tool you use to combat the enemy when he tries to hill, steal, and destroy in your life?
  • Where have you seen the Holy Spirit help guide you through the fires of life?
  • Romans 5:3-5 talks about rejoicing through the trials and how it builds character, endurance, and hope that doesn’t lead to disappointment. Have there been moments in your life where you rejoiced in the midst of a trial and what lessons have you learned?
  • Just as some species of trees resprout after they have been burned, a “quick sprouting” is their response to trial. What is your response to trials? Do you find that you linger in despair or do you grow or remain steady because of your deep roots? Discuss.

Close in Prayer



Week 3 Discussion Questions

First Stop:

  • Is there anything in your life that needs to move from last resort to first choice? Discuss the choices and decisions it takes to prioritize the right things
  • Where have you seen having a relationship with God help you flourish and bring nourishment to your life?
  • What do you find yourself running to for satisfaction and fulfillment outside of God?
  • Knowing that praise often precedes a breakthrough, what do you need to do to worship God in the middle of your waiting?

Mile Markers:

  • Why do you think we try to get ahead of God and provide the things we should have and manufacture in out own ability?
  • In out lives, a lot of the time a miracle can be in motion, but we are waiting for it to develop. What are some truths you need to hold onto so you don’t give up?
  • How do you navigate when relationships or the world around you is trying to make you doubt what God has already promised you? What is your natural response to those voices?


  • What blessings have you seen established in your life as you have made God the true source of your life?
  • What have been some barriers you have encountered on your way to God’s promises in your life and how did you combat them?
  • What advice and truths have you given to those around you when they are facing a waiting season?

Close in Prayer



Week 4 Discussion Questions

First Stop:

  • How can we draw strength from our past victories to help us navigate the challenges we’re facing right now?
  • What does it look like to use valley moments as invitations to trust God?
  • How does your perspective change, knowing that your season in the “valley” is temporary, or as Pastor Jeremy said, “You’re just passing through?”
  • What perspective can we gain from Psalms 34:19?

Mile Markers:

  • Can you share a time in your life when you had to combat the mind games of the enemy when he tried to distract you and get you to focus on the hardship of your circumstance rather than embracing the beauty that CAN be found in the valley?
  • How can we change our mindset from worst-case scenario thinking to living out out battles knowing that God is with us?
  • God is in control; the battle is His, but we also have a role to play in our victory. What is our role in the valley?


  • Even though the valley moments of life are some of the lowest, this is also when God can do some of his best work. How have you been intentional with your valley seasons and what have you seen God do?
  • Perspective changes everything. As we mature in our faith, we may naturally default to a position of trusting God when facing a battle. In your own words, how would you communicate the process to get to that place in your relationship of learning to trust Jesus?
  • After hearing about the life of David and the kind of spirit he had when facing valley moments, what qualities or characteristics does this spirit entail, and how can you cultivate it in your own life?

Close in Prayer



Week 5 Discussion Questions

Conversation Starter:

Baptisms are happening in the next few weeks at the church, is anyone interested in taking a next step in this area?

First Stop:

  • What is something you have learned about yourself and God these last 5 weeks?
  • Jesus set a beautiful example of making the journey He was on, one of signifigance. Do you make the most of the life you have been given and the journey you have been caled to?
  • Busyness can often full up our lives and we can miss out on being used by God. How can we be determined to say yes to the right things and allow God to direct our steps?

Mile Markers:

  • If we only look at the destination or the end outcome we will miss so many things along the way. How can we walk through life intentionally and take in the life God has for us?
  • Let’s discuss the differences between having a heavenly perspective and a worldly one. What are some of the key components of each?
  • Reflecting on the entire series, what are some key takeaways or lessons that you’ve gained from “Into the Wild”? How will you apply these lessons to you ongoing journey of faith?


  • What significant work have you seen God do in your life?
  • Pastor Jeremy encourages us to live life to the fullest and empower others with our journey. How can we actively engage with our communities and demonstrate the love and compassion of Christ in our daily interactions?
  • This week references Revelation 21:3-5 and the promise of heaven. How does this promise influence your perspective on life’s challenges and the ultimate purpose of your journey on Earth?

Close in Prayer