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Proverbs Reading Plan

1 Proverb a day for 31 days

We invite you to join us for a 31-day reading plan, beginning January 1 where we’ll dive into the book of Proverbs! If you’ve been wanting to invest more time in yourself or have wanted to start reading the Bible, we encourage you to join us as we take 10 minutes every day this month to read Proverbs.

Follow The Reading Plan

You can follow along with the reading plan, by downloading the FREE YouVersion Bible App, and starting the “Proverbs” reading plan or by visiting

Begin the Reading Plan

Find out how you can read this plan with friends

We're beginning the reading plan together on Monday, January 1

If you jump in late or fall behind, don’t worry! There’s a handy “catch me up” feature in the app that allows you to shift the reading plan.

Begin the Reading Plan

Daily Reading

You can also follow this reading schedule using your personal Bible. If you don’t have a Bible, we encourage you to download the FREE YouVersion Bible App.

Week 1
January 1 Proverbs 1
January 2 Proverbs 2
January 3 Proverbs 3
January 4 Proverbs 4
January 5 Proverbs 5
January 6 Proverbs 6
Week 2
January 7 Proverbs 7
January 8 Proverbs 8
January 9 Proverbs 9
January 10 Proverbs 10
January 11 Proverbs 11
January 12 Proverbs 12
January 13 Proverbs 13
Week 3
January 14 Proverbs 14
January 15 Proverbs 15
January 16 Proverbs 16
January 17 Proverbs 17
January 18 Proverbs 18
January 19 Proverbs 19
January 20 Proverbs 20
Week 4
January 21 Proverbs 21
January 22 Proverbs 22
January 23 Proverbs 23
January 24 Proverbs 24
January 25 Proverbs 25
January 26 Proverbs 26
January 27 Proverbs 27
Week 5
January 28 Proverbs 28
January 29 Proverbs 29
January 30 Proverbs 30
January 31 Proverbs 31