Join Us For Easter!


We like an easy, struggle-free life but also want a meaningful life. You simply can’t have both. It’s time to leave the “comfort trap” and begin fulfilling your God-given purpose!

Notes 📓✏️:

The Trap of Comfort

We live in a culture where comfort is king.

“You have to choose your hard. Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life.” The Comfort Crisis, Michael Easter

If our peace requires perfect conditions, we’re not developing strength, we’re developing dependency.

Life is not about ease; it’s about obedience to God.

God Is Not Against Comfort, But He’s Always Working His Purpose.

In adversity, you discover you can do hard things.

I Chronicles 28:20 (LB): “Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don’t be frightened by the size of the task [challenge], for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly.”

1. Be Strong – Strength is a decision before it’s a feeling.

Wisdom Key: Strength isn’t about your size; it’s about your source. Draw it from God.

2. Have Courage – Courage doesn’t mean you don’t feel fear—it means you don’t let fear make the final decision.

“Don’t be frightened by the size of the task.”

“If God called me to it, He’ll carry me through it.”

In life, fear might be your companion but should never be your captain.

Wisdom Key: Fear looks at the size of the challenge. Courage looks at the size of your God.

3. Get to Work – Obedience begins where excuses end.

“God will see to it that everything is finished correctly.”

Wisdom Key: Faith doesn’t wait until it’s easy. Faith builds now.

Discussion Questions 📝:

  • What are some examples of comfort traps that we commonly face in day-to-day life, and how can we recognize when we are falling into them?
  • Pastor Jeremy emphasized the idea that discomfort is necessary for a meaningful life. Why do you think discomfort is often avoided by people today?
  • Thinking on the story of David and Solomon, what does David’s advice to Solomon about being strong and courageous teach us about facing challenges?
  • Pastor Jeremy stated that life is full of hardships and that God doesn’t create hardships, but can bring purpose from it. How can we find purpose in our hardships?