Join Us For Easter!

Come Into the Light

Christmas reminds us of God’s unconditional love for us. God sent His Son to be the light of the world– to be our Rescuer! If you come into the light, you will find a Savior who will rescue you from sin, and bring hope, no matter what you are going through.

Notes 📓✏️:

Jesus said He is the Light of the World

Light gives us the ability to see.

You make better decisions when you can see.

Isaiah 60:2 (Msg): “The whole earth is wrapped in darkness, all people sunk in deep darkness…”

Love is like a light.

John 1:4-5, 9 (NIV): “In him [Jesus]was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.”

“I (almost) always come limping into Advent, desperate for light but almost too tired to look for it. Then I remember: The Light came looking for me, and that’s the whole point.” Annie B Jones

He came to us! He came for you!

Isaiah 59:2 (TLB): “The trouble is that your sins have cut you off from God.”

Matthew 11:28 (Msg): “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest.” 

“Into the Light”

All who are weary.

All who are weak.

All those who come with no

words left to speak.

Come let the Son wash the

dust from your feet.


All who are mourning.

All who have pain.

All those who come who are

burdened with shame.

Come let the Son take the

weight of your chains.


Ours is the God of the lost

and the broken.

His is the home with doors

flung wide open.

Ours is the Savior who

welcomes us in.


If you come into the light, you will find a Savior