Join Us For Easter!

Trusting God with your finances is a journey, and to help you take that first step, we developed Generosity Rockstar.

We believe that once you commit to make that small sacrifice, you will begin to build the foundations that will help you get on the way to obedience in this area of your faith. This is only the beginning of the journey toward becoming a generous person with your finances and in your life!

What is a Generosity Rockstar?

Generosity Rockstars are those who schedule recurring giving of at least $20/week.

How do I become a Generosity Rockstar?

To become a Generosity Rockstar, simply set up weekly recurring giving of at least a $20.


Click the link below to set up an online giving account and schedule weekly recurring giving online.



The next time you attend City First Church, grab a Generosity Rockstar form, fill it out, and drop it off a Next Step Booth and we'll get it set up for you!

FREE GIFT for our Generosity Rockstars!

After you become a Generosity Rockstar, stop by a Next Step booth in the Front Lobby of any City First Church location, and pick up your FREE GENEROSITY ROCKSTAR GIFT!

If you attend City First Church Online, a gift will be mailed to you after you set up weekly recurring giving of at least $20/week ($80/month). Be sure to select "Church Online" as your location when you set up recurring giving.

What About Tithing?

At City First Church, we believe that the Bible says we are called to be obedient by giving back a portion of what God has blessed us with; specifically, a tithe equal to 10% of our income. However, we recognize that for some, due to personal financial circumstances, tithing may be a big step.

That’s why we created Generosity Rockstar as a first step for those who may be thinking about giving for the first time. Generosity Rockstar is for someone who is committing to take that first step towards a life of generosity.


Am I Already A Generosity Rockstar?

Do you give at least $20/week ($80/month)? If so, you are already a Generosity Rockstar!

General Giving FAQs

Click the link below, for answers to questions about online giving or how to manage your giving account.

Read The FAQs