Disaster Relief

As a church, we are proactively responding to the impact of the COVID-19 virus in every way we can. We desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our communities. The church is rising up to serve those around us and to share the hope of Jesus!

Hope Now. Hope Always!

How Can We Care For You?

If you are elderly or immuno-compromised, we realize you are of the most vulnerable during this season. If we can bring a grocery delivery to your front door, bring needed supplies, or anything at all – we are here for you. Click the link below and send us your name & your need!

Click here for care

How Can We Pray For You?

We have mobilized a team of hundreds of individuals who are praying 24 hours a day. If you have a prayer need, we want to partner with you in faith. One of the most powerful ways to combat fear, worry, need, sickness, or anxiety is through prayer.

Give Hope

As a church, our desire is to meet extraordinary needs with extravagant generosity.

Right now, the needs around us are tremendous (spiritually and practically). Thousands of families have found themselves jobless, without financial resources, in need of hope, and many of us can do something to meet this extraordinary need in their lives.

Will you prayerfully consider giving a financial gift to help us continue to meet the urgent needs in our city? As a church, let’s lead the way with overflowing generosity!

Give A Gift Now

Share Hope With Our Community

How We're Helping

Check back soon for the next event.

Past Community Efforts

  • Nursing Home Care Kits collected and distributed to the elderly.
  • 1,200 meals provided to the hungry at the Rockford Rescue Mission.
  • Letters of hope written to inmates in quarantine through our prison ministry, God Behind Bars.
  • Grocery delivery service made available to the elderly and immuno-compromised.
  • Distributed over 200,000 pounds of food to those in need.
  • Park & Pray at 7 local hospitals. Praying for the staff and those who are sick.
  • Sewing masks to give to the medical community in need.

How You Can Help

  • Bless an essential worker with a care package, treats, or a note of encouragement.
  • Bless a neighbor by meeting a tangible need they have.
  • Bless a coworker or fellow student with a coffee and by checking in on them.
  • Bless someone who is Homebound by picking up needing supplies or groceries.
  • Bless someone you don’t know by giving to the City First Church COVID-19 Relief Fund.
  • Bless the under-resourced or marginalized individuals in your community.
  • Jesus said, “For I was hungry, and you fed Me. I was thirsty, and you gave Me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited Me into your home. I was naked, and you gave Me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for Me. I was in prison, and you visited Me.” - Matthew 25:35-36 (NLT)

    Need Hope?

    Join us every weekend live in-person or online for an uplifting worship experience and message of hope from Pastor Jeremy DeWeerdt.

    Have kids?

    We’ve got you covered! Be sure to check out City First Kids at Home for a fun, Christ-centered, experience that your kids will LOVE!