Join Us For Easter!

Original Brunch

Ladies, join us Saturday, July 16th for another Original Brunch! This is a morning of encouragement, fun, friendship, and food! We will gather at 10:00AM at City First Church, share a meal, and hear an encouraging word! Registration is free, but please RSVP so we can plan accordingly for food! Grab a couple of your girls and join us for this life-giving morning together!

Reserve Your Seat

Original Gives

As women, it was part of our ORIGINAL design that we would live with generous hands. During this brunch, we will be collecting shoes to be able to give to schools in need. Some children will either enter the school year without a good pair of shoes or be in need of a pair in the middle of the year and I believe that we can be part of the solution. Come with closed-toed shoes in kids’ sizes 1-5 so that we can make sure each child has a pair of good shoes to begin AND continue their school year with.