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Advent Day 9: The King Above All Kings

And the Lord will be king over all the earth. On that day there will be one Lord—His name alone will be worshiped. – Zechariah 14:9

Christmas whispers a tale of a different kind of king, not on a majestic throne but nestled in a humble manger. Jesus, the King of Kings, arrived in simplicity. Picture the tiny hands of the newborn King reaching out in the quiet of the stable. This royal baby came not with grandeur, but with the gentle promise of a kingdom of love, peace, and joy.

As we gather around the twinkling lights and festive cheer, let’s remember the heart of Christmas—the King who chose a manger over a palace. His kingdom is one built on grace and mercy. His reign isn’t distant or imposing; it’s an invitation to find royal love in the simplicity of a Bethlehem night.

This Christmas, may the warmth of the manger fill your heart with the joyous reminder that our King, born in humility, reigns with everlasting love.


Jesus, help us not lose sight of the sacredness of the night of Your birth. Thank You for the love, peace, and joy Your rule as King brings! I invite you to rule and reign in my heart and my home this Christmas season. In Your Name, Amen.