Disaster Relief

Day 4: Depend on Him for Everything

Prayer Model: The Lord’s Prayer

“Give us this day our daily bread.”
God promises to supply all our needs, and He wants us to come to Him with our problems, needs, and desires and to trust Him to provide.

I look up to the mountains—does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! – Psalm 121:1-2 NLT

Ask God for what you need today. It may help to write down the concerns weighing on your mind or the desires of your heart. You can bring your worries or desires to God, trusting Him enough by handing them over to Him fully! It may help to open your hands before God to physically show your surrender to Him. Problems can either be ours or God’s; they can’t be both.

“Father, I acknowledge that everything I need today will come from You. You made the heavens and the earth; You are more than capable of handling any situation I’m dealing with, so I give it to You completely (specifically talk to God about what is on your mind and heart right now and give it to Him). I look to You to help me, sustain me, and give me Your peace. Remind me of Your hope and power today. Thank You in advance for taking care of my needs.”