Join Us For Easter!

Advent Day 15: The Power Of Belief

You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said. – Luke 1:45

Trusting God, truly believing in His plan, brings peace and blessings. Mary, after saying yes to God’s plan, visited her cousin Elizabeth, who, after years of infertility, was miraculously pregnant. Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, praised Mary for believing in God’s promises.

Mary’s belief in God’s plan for the Messiah brought her peace instead of anxiety. She trusted that the Savior’s birth, her Savior, would be worth any challenge. As Christmas approaches, consider Mary’s incredible outcome: the birth of the Son of God. What has God spoken over your life that you need to believe today? Trust His plan, find peace, and look forward to the blessings to come!


Father, as I focus on the blessing of Jesus’ birth, help me become more like Mary. Help me grow in my trust and belief in Your promises. I know Your plan for my life leads to the best possible outcome. Help me identify any areas of unbelief in my life, and give me faith that You’re working in ways I can’t see. I choose to trust You today!