Join Us For Easter!

Advent Day 22: God’s Heart For The Whole World

In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and He lives in all of us. -Colossians 3:11

Magi were known to be astrologers, which explains why God used a star to guide them to Jesus. He knew how He could get their attention. As astrologers, it’s possible the Wise Men we include in our nativities at Christmas were sorcerers who interpreted omens and signs to gain power. There are many theories about the ethnicity and background of these men from the East, but there’s one thing we know for sure: They were not Jews. They were Gentiles.

For centuries, people assumed the Savior would come specifically to deliver the Jews, God’s chosen people. If the One True God was coming to earth to establish His eternal Kingdom, surely it was for the sake of the Jews. But when God reveals the significance of Jesus’ birth to the Magi, we get our first tangible glimpse of His desire to reconcile with the entire world, no matter our background or depth of depravity. This is an important moment, especially for those who are not of Jewish descent. He came to bring all people back into a relationship with their Creator. Jesus made it clear in the Great Commission that He desired all nations to know Him. His heart is for the world!


Jesus, thank You for coming to save a world that turned its back on You for so long. Thank You for wanting a relationship with me when I was living in sin and separated from You. I want to love like You do. Give me a heart for the world that lasts beyond Christmas.