Join Us For Easter!

Advent Day 20: Faith Without Hesitation

When the angels had returned to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, “Let’s go to Bethlehem! Let’s see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”
They hurried to the village and found Mary and Joseph. -Luke 2:15-16

Think of a time when you heard from God—maybe a promise, a confirmation, or a strong feeling. What did you do right away? Act on it, or did you hesitate, wondering if it was truly His voice? It’s alright; we’ve all been there!

In Luke 2, the shepherds were told about Jesus’ birth by angels, and without second-guessing, they “hurried off” to find Him. Instead of letting doubts linger, they acted immediately, showing tremendous faith. Sure, they had practical concerns—like their sheep, family, and attire—but they didn’t let these questions hold them back from responding promptly to God.

In our journey with Jesus, let’s embrace this kind of faith. Hesitation can give space to doubt, fear, and insecurity, none of which come from Him. When God speaks, trust His lead. He’ll give you what you need to carry out His plan. Just respond. Today, make a decision to stir your faith and commit to moving when God says move, no matter what!


Father, thank You for Your patience with me. Forgive me for the times I’ve hesitated when You have spoken to me. I want to follow Your plan for my life. Strengthen my faith, and help me respond quickly when I hear from You.