Join Us For Easter!

Advent Day 18: Exceeding Expectations

Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. -Ephesians 3:20

Centuries of anticipation led the Jewish people to expect a royal savior who would set them free and establish His kingdom on Earth. Imagine their surprise when the humble birth of their savior occurred in Bethlehem, a lowly town, to an ordinary family in a manger of all places. What the Jewish people got didn’t meet their expectations. But God isn’t in the business of meeting expectations. He’s in the business of blowing them out of the water.

Through Jesus, God met needs the Jewish people didn’t even realize they had. He provided much more than the fleeting prosperity of an earthly kingdom. He provided salvation, reconciled humans to a right relationship with God, and brought hope to a broken world. God’s plans may look different, but they are always good, even when they are different from what we expected.

What desire has God placed in your heart? This Christmas, find comfort in knowing that God wants to do more than meet your expectations. He wants to exceed them. Take heart in the fact that God can do far more than we can even think to ask of Him. Expect God to move, trust His process, and watch your faith grow.


I’m grateful for Jesus, showing me that you’re taking care of needs I didn’t even know I had. This Christmas, I’m asking for confidence in things I hope for but can’t see yet. Help me trust you more. Thanks for being the God who goes beyond what I expect. Your timing is perfect, and Your plan is the best. Have Your way in my life!