Join Us For Easter!

Advent Day 19: Be Faithful In The Small Things

That night, shepherds were staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified. -Luke 2:8-9

God’s way of doing things is not like the world’s way. He doesn’t care about fame or power; He’s into faithfulness and humility. When God pulled off His greatest miracle ever, He didn’t tell kings or big shots first. Nope, He sent an angel to regular shepherds. These guys were just doing their job, taking care of sheep in the fields. Even though they weren’t high up on the social ladder, they were faithful and got the front-row seats to the most incredible news. They were first in line to meet their long-awaited Savior!

If you are feeling unimportant or overlooked, stay faithful. Even if it seems small, give it your all. Don’t be discouraged! God looks for people who handle the little stuff well so He can trust them with more. Whatever you’re up to today, go all in. God sees your hard work and rewards those who stick with the task in front of them.


Father, thank You for placing value on what the world seems to overlook. No matter what task You give me, I commit to working at it with all my heart. Help me not to get discouraged by worldly standards, but instead remember how You chose the humble, hardworking shepherds to be the first to know about the miracle of Christmas. Like the shepherds, thank You for choosing me to share Your Good News. Thank You in advance for giving me more as I stay faithful with what You gave me.