Join Us For Easter!

Day 17: Praying For The Lost

God desires everyone to know Him. He says in His Word that He would leave the 99 to go after the one who doesn’t know Him. As followers of Christ, we are called to partner with Him praying for those who don’t know Him to come to know Him.


God draws people to Himself. It’s not something we can make happen out of our own efforts, so we need to be faithful in praying that the Father would draw those to Jesus that He’s placed on our hearts.

No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws them… JOHN 6:44 NIV

Think about the people you know who are far from God. Let your heart be open to God and anyone He may bring to your mind. It may help to write down their names as you focus on praying for them.


“Father, I pray for the people around me (list specific names), that you would supernaturally draw their hearts to you. Send your Holy Spirit to them, and give them the desire to give their lives to You. Help them to recognize their longing for more in life as a spiritual thirst only You can quench. Open their ears to hear your voice.”