Join Us For Easter!

Day 19: Pray That They May Have A Personal Relationship With God

Many people think Christianity is just another religion. They only see God through the lens of the organization and institution of the church. They may even feel frustrated, angry, or betrayed by people in churches they have encountered or by religious legalists and their hypocrisy. But God didn’t come to build an organization. He came to have a relationship with His children.

The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by Him we cry, “Abba, Father.” – ROMANS 8:15 NIV

God wants His beloved sons and daughters to come home. Praying for people to have personal encounters with the living God makes a huge difference.


“Father, I pray that people will understand how much You love them. Loosen the spirit of adoption for the people around me, so that they come into a meaningful relationship with You. Stir in their hearts a longing to come home, to hear Your voice, and to see You welcoming them with open arms. Let them know You are always running to meet them and hold them close.”