Disaster Relief

God Behind Bars

On Sunday, Pastor Jeremy spoke a message about how Jesus was for those who are overlooked and ignored, and He asks us to do the same.

“Whenever you do one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was Me – you did it to Me.” – Matthew 25:40

As a way to put the love of Jesus into action, Pastor Jeremy announced our latest Love Works initiative would focus on investing into the lives of the inmates at the Dixon Correctional Center and the Hardee Correctional Institution.

Our God Behind Bars locations are an incredible opportunity for us to show the love of Jesus to men who society has pushed to the margins and help them find faith in Jesus and experience life-change. Click below to watch Andrew’s story of finding Jesus at our Dixon Correctional Center location.

We have an opportunity to reach 4,070 prisoners between Dixon and Hardee.

For just $21, we can make an eternal difference in the life of an inmate! These funds will go directly towards:

  • Building into their faith community
  • Facilitating a weekly service
  • New materials for spiritual growth
  • Ongoing ministry

Will you help us show love to our church family at Dixon and Hardee by giving?

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