Disaster Relief

Advent Day 8: Joy in the Manger

And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger. -Luke 2:12 ​​ 

Christmas brings us to a humble manger, a place where joy took its first breath. In the simplicity of that stable, God’s greatest gift unfolds, wrapped in swaddling clothes – a baby, Jesus.

Imagine the joy Mary felt cradling her newborn, the joy the shepherds experienced as they hurried to witness the miracle, and the joy the wise men sensed as they followed a star to find this extraordinary child.

In the midst of our holiday busyness, let’s pause and ponder the joy found in that manger. It’s not just the joy of a baby’s first cry, but the joy of God entering our world. This baby would grow to bring light to our darkness, hope to our despair, and joy to our hearts.

May the simplicity of that scene remind us that true joy comes not from elaborate presents but from the presence of Emmanuel, God with us. In the midst of the festivities, let’s carry the joy of the manger into our homes, our relationships, and our hearts.

This Christmas, may the joy of the baby in the manger be the melody that fills our souls, reminding us of the love, hope, and eternal joy that entered the world that holy night.


Father, help me to remember the joy that Christmas brings. Help me to hold onto the truth that says Your presence with us is the greatest gift. Help me carry that same joy into my workplace, my home, and everywhere I go. Thank You for the gift of Your son, Jesus. Amen.